
98迷科 2024-03-25 266次阅读

绝区零选哥哥还是选妹妹 How to Choose between Brother and Sister in the Extraction Model



Choose Brother



Dialog preferences: In the Extraction Model, choosing brother or sister is mainly based on your preference for dialogues.

Game plot development: The game's plot development doesn't depend on which character you choose, and both brothers and sisters will have the same path.

Character voices: However, if you choose brother, you will hear dialogue from妹妹 later in the game. This option adds fun to the game.

Choose Sister


Dialog preferences: There are no restrictions on dialogue preferences when choosing sister, and you can enjoy the conversations with different characters.

Character voices: Since the protagonist's voice cannot be changed, choosing sister will not affect the game's plot.

Fun: Choosing sister adds more fun to the game, especially since you can interact with different characters.


In the Extraction Model, choosing between brother and sister depends mainly on your personal preference for dialogues.无论是哥哥还是妹妹,他们之间的游戏走向是相同的,所以你可以根据自己的喜好进行选择。

绝区零 类型:休闲 平台:安卓 状态:运营 安卓版下载 苹果版暂无下载

标签: 哥哥  妹妹  绝区零选 

