
98迷科 2024-06-20 246次阅读

九言 | 世界上最伟大的事,是一个人懂得如何做自己的主人。

1、真正的力量并非来自坚强,恰恰来自柔软。True strength does not come from strength, but rather from softness.


If we only aim for the mountaintop, we will consider the climbing process as being on the road, and in fact, climbing itself is a part of the journey. Don't just focus on ambitious goals, live in this moment.


Focusing on the traits that you like about yourself, the Law of Attraction will bring more beauty to yourself.

4、各自说法自有它的道理,然而,人的行为并不都是用道理可以讲得通的。Each statement has its own reason, however, not all human behavior can be explained with reason.

5、越是成熟的人,越懂得藏锋守拙,不在人前夸夸其谈。The more mature a person is, the better they understand how to hide their strengths and guard their weaknesses, and not boast in front of others.

6、别人怎么对你不重要,你要对自己好,这才重要。How others don't matter to you, you need to be good to yourself, that's what matters.


In fact, honesty does not harm people who sincerely treat each other, ambiguity and concealment are the only ways.

8、如果你们爱什么东西,渴望什么东西,相信我,你就去爱吧,去渴望吧。If you love something, long for something, believe me, then love and long for it.

9、世界上最伟大的事,是一个人懂得如何做自己的主人。The greatest thing in the world is that a person knows how to be their own master.

——————— 师生

标签: 世界上最伟大 

